How to Add Route to Operator Option to Voicemail
Adding Operator routing to voicemail box option
RingByName allows callers that reach a voicemail box to select an option to be routed back to an operator instead of leaving a voicemail message. To enable this option for a voicemail, login to the System Administration Panel and follow the steps below.
Quick links: Add option to a User's voicemail box
Add option to a Department voicemail box
How to enable Operator Routing to a user's voicemail box
1. Click on the User Navigation icon in the System Administration area (System Administration> RingByName Setup> Users)

2. Click on the user you would like to add the operator voicemail option to
3. In the user detail column, scroll all to the bottom and locate the "Other Options" area, then click on "Allow callers to press 0 for the operator". In the drop down box below, select the operator.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save".
How to enable Operator Routing to a Department Voicemail box
1. Click on the User Navigation icon in the System Administration area (System Administration> RingByName Setup> Departments)

2. Click on the department you would like to add the operator voicemail option to
3. In the user detail column, scroll all to the bottom and locate the "Other Options" area, then click on "Allow callers to press 0 for the operator". In the drop down box below, select the operator.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save".