Customize Your Device Display Names
RingByName now offers customized device display names for your business allowing users their own label on their phone to identify it and update it as needed.
To access the User Settings, go to your System Administration and click on the top link for RingByName Setup. Users will be the first thing displayed on the screen. Click on an individual User Name to access the User Details screen. On the right side of the screen you'll be able to update the device name.

You may have to reboot your desk phone to update the label on it. This setting only applies to phones ordered through Ringbyname.

Under Set Device Display Name for Multiple Users This can be changed for multiple users at once as well.
- Click on "Set Device Display Name for multiple users" For multiple users in the User Menu on the RingByName App
- Select all the users you would like to update
- Choose which users to set the device display name to, and whether or not to use a default option or a custom display name.
- Click Save to Update all the users that you selected at once.