What settings can users update on their accounts?
What settings can users update on their accounts?
Unlike administrative users who manage the complex workings of the overall account and call flows, users are able to update various personal and needed settings from their accounts in the "Voicemail & User Settings" and "My Profile" section. These settings include voicemail messages, SMS email notifications, language settings, call popup control, voicemail pin, login details, and signature.
Settings in the Voicemail & User Settings section
Log in to your RingByName account at login.ringbyname.com
Once logged in, click on the words 'Hi ' at the top right of the screen. A drop down menu should appear.
Select the option 'Voicemail & User Settings' Each available setting is detailed below.
- You can enable or disable your voicemail box with the 'Enable Voicemail' checkbox.
- If enabled, you can adjust the voicemail greeting using 'Use automatic greeting, Say this, or Use this file'
- 'Say This' will announce whatever you have in place in the language selected.
- Use this file allows you to use any mp3 file you upload using the 'add new file'.
- Below the voicemail options are additional settings including 'enable callback request' and 'receive email notifications of SMS' for getting email copies of inbound SMS messages.
- Enable 2 Factor Authentication adds your email address as a secondary point to authenticate. It includes a submenu option to use a mobile phone number instead for 2FA.
- 'Enable Callback Request' announces a message if a call is missed to the caller asking them if they'd like a callback. If they opt for one, you'll receive an email of the request with their callback number.
- Enable Call Popup allows you to control whether or not you see call-popups for inbound calls. If you use WebPhone, please be sure this setting remains enabled for use!
- Finally you can also select the language of all the fields for your Ringbyname Webapp with the Language Settings.
- Be sure to select 'Save' on the bottom right to save your changes!

Settings in the My Profile section
All of your login details including your password, timezone, and signature can all be updated in this section. Have you reset your password recently and want to update your password to something your more likely to remember? Follow the steps below.
- Log in to your RingByName account at login.ringbyname.com
- Click on the top right text that reads "Hi, <your name>" A drop down menu should appear.
- Select "My Profile" in the drop down
- In the center of the page toward the right, click on the pen-and-paper "Edit" icon
-Here you can update your email (your login), your password, your timezone, name details, and signature.- Click on the top right text that reads "Hi, <your name>" A drop down menu should appear.
- Select "My Profile" in the drop down
- In the center of the page toward the right, click on the pen-and-paper "Edit" icon
-Be sure to select the 'save' button at the bottom of the page to save your changes!