Read your Voicemails in text form and save more time for your business, Voicemail Transcribing is here!
Read your Voicemails in text form and save more time for your business, Voicemail Transcribing is here!
RingByName now offers Voicemail Transcribing! This feature much like some mobile phones takes all audio voicemail files and converts them to a quick to read text format. Transcribing can be accessed from the main page R! OX dashboard under "Missed calls and Voicemails" and in the email tied to your voicemail box!

What is Voicemail transcribing?
This feature much like some mobile phones takes all audio voicemail files and converts them to a quick to read text format. Transcribing can be accessed from the main page R! OX dashboard under "Missed calls and Voicemails" and in the email tied to your voicemail box! This feature is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, accessible from your mobile Ringbyname app, your web R! OX dashboard, and your email inbox!
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How do I add the voicemail transcribing Service to my RingByName Account?
Voicemail transcribing is a free service and already included on your account. If you are the account owner and don't see this feature enabled yet you can have Voicemail Transcribing services added to your account by contacting the Customer Service Department by calling 855-345-7464 or by emailing us at[Return to the top of the page]
Where can I see voicemails that are transcribed?
This is visible in the main R! OX dashboard when you login at Scroll down under call presence, and select the red "+" to the right of 'Missed Calls and Voicemails." Here whenever you select the play button by a voicemail, you'll see the transcribed message at the bottom of the page.

Where else can I see voicemails that are transcribed?
You can also see your voicemails transcribed in any email copies you get for voicemails. Be sure you whitelist or search for emails from Each of these emails contains an audio file copy of the voicemail, and at the bottom you'll see the voicemail transcription.

How do I update Voicemail Transcribing to English, Spanish, or Portuguese?
To change the language for voicemail transcribing, log into your Ringbyname account, and update your voicemail box's greeting language. Follow the steps below to perform this.
All users can set up or update their personal voicemail box for a different transcribing language from their own web app following the steps below.
- Log in to your RingByName account at
- Once logged in, click on the words 'Hi ' at the top right of the screen. A drop down menu should appear.
- Select the option 'Voicemail & User Settings'
- If your using 'Say This', change the language to the right of your message to change the language that's transcribed.
- If your using 'Use automatic greeting' or 'Use this file', be sure your profile's 'my language' is set to the language you want transcribed.
- Be sure to select 'Save' on the bottom right to save your changes!

Can I see Voicemail Transcribing on the mobile app, Ringbyname?
Yes! To access your voicemail transcriptions, be sure you have the latest version of the app by checking it in the app or play store. On the app homepage, tap on the 'voicemail' tab and tap the voicemail you want to read the transcription for or listen to. You'll see a summary of the message below it.

Voicemail Transcribing isn't working, what do I do?
Sometimes voicemail transcribing won't have a message. This will be because the voicemail has been deleted, or was a silent message that had no words said. If your voicemail transcriber gives you very strange text that doesn't match the audio, be sure you have the right language selected for your voicemail box. The Spanish voicemail box listens for Spanish words, the English voicemail box listens for English words and so on. If you have further questions please reach out to our support team at