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Update A Department Voicemail Greeting

Follow these steps to update a department voicemail greeting. To access the Admin Settings, click on “Hi <your name>” at the top-right corner of the screen.

Select "Go to System Administration" from the drop-down list.

Click on "RingByName Setup" or “Main Setup” on the navigation bar along the top of the screen.

On the left side, you will see “Department” section. Click on it to view the departments.
Click on the department you would like to view or edit.






Voicemail notifications are controlled by whichever voicemail box you have set here.

If the department voicemail box is the same as the department, then any users with the voicemail permission enabled under 'advanced settings' seen below will receive voicemail notifications by phone through *97 and by email. You can see on the right the checkboxes for voicemail notifications.

If the department voicemail box is different than the current department selected, then only users with the voicemail permission enabled under 'advanced settings' of that voicemail box or department voicemail box will receive voicemail notifications by phone through *97 and by email. None of the users in the department itself will get those notifications. Labeling on voicemail emails will match whatever the department voicemail box name is.

Our goal at RingByName is for all of our customers to best manage the phone system according to their business needs.

For this reason, we offer a training program at the user level to help your team take advantage of all the live data and features we offer. We also offer administrative level training so you and your administrators are able to update the configuration of your system to suit your business needs. All of our training is done with designated specialists looking to better your business.

To schedule a session, open the following link and follow the instructions on the screen. To get the most value out of RingByName, we advise you to sign up for a training session in the morning hours after 9:00 AM.

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