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Sending and Receiving Faxes

Where can I find the E-Fax on my account?

To access your fax service, the first thing you will need to do is log in to your RingByName account by going to "". 

Once you're logged in, you will see the navigation tab on top of the home screen. 

Click on the "Fax" icon.

Once you clicked on the "Fax" icon, the middle section of the home page will be replaced with the fax activity. If you have access to the E-Fax, you will be able to see the received and sent faxes. If the fax wasn't sent successfully, the right side next to the fax will show as "Failed". 

 All faxes received will show at the top of the home screen under the fax icon. You will receive a confirmation once the fax has been delivered.

How do I send an E-Fax?

To send an E-Fax, click on the fax icon with the "+" sign on the top right corner of the midsection. 

The middle section of the screen will be replaced with the fields that will allow you to send a fax. You must fill out of the fields and press "Send".

A few things you will need to know before sending the fax: 
  • On the "From" section you will have the option to choose profile if you have multiple fax numbers with RingByName. If you only have one number, then you don't need to do anything.
  • RingByName provides a standard cover letter if you don't have any. By default, it's always checked. If you have your own cover letter, you must uncheck the option "Uncheck to hide cover page". In this case, you will include the cover letter with your attachment. 
  • You are only able to attach one document. If you have multiple pages, you will need to merge them.
  • To attach your document, it needs to be a PDF format, and it cannot exceed 15 MB.
  • If your fax fails, try resending with "1" in front of the phone number.

How do I enable my E-Fax?

In order to send and receive faxes, you must be subscribed to our E-Fax Service, please contact a sales representative at 855-345-7464 for pricing information. 

If you already subscribed to the "E-Fax", it can only be enabled by Administrators with full access to the System Administration area. In order to enable your E-Fax, please follow the steps below:

1. Login to your RingByName account.

2. Click on your name at the top-right corner of the screen. Select "Go to System Administration" from the drop-down list.

3. Click on "RingByName Setup" on the navigation bar along the top of the screen, or "Main Setup".  


4.  Click on the "Phone Numbers" in the selection area in the first column of the main area. 

5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and locate the "Fax Numbers" area. 

6. Click on top of the phone number you wish to enable.  The right side will change with the fields that are required to set up the E-Fax. 
    Follow the steps below:
  • Select all of the users that will have access to the fax phone number you are configuring. 
  • Change the "Caller ID" with the name you want people to see when you send an E-Fax.
  • If any, add your company logo for the cover page.
  • Add the email(s) of the person(s) who should receive a copy of all of the faxes. Every email address should begin on a new line as pictured below.
  • Press "Save".

Have Email-To-Fax (E-Fax) on your account?

You'll have two boxes at the bottom of your fax number's details. One where you can list emails who will get a copy of all received fax, and a second box where you can list emails who can send outbound faxes identifying themselves with that fax number as their fax caller ID. There is a limit of one email per DID, but you can reassign emails whenever needed!

The size limit is 15mb per fax, how many pages is that?

Faxes, like images all have variable values. One page on a fax can have a lot of text, images, or high resolution and take up more space than a different page. Below is a chart for average fax page sizes and how many pages they equal out to.

 32kb per page = 480 pages
 64kb per page = 240 pages
128kb per page = 120 pages
256kb per page = 60 pages
512kb per page = 30 pages
   1mb per page = 15 pages

Our goal at RingByName is for all of our customers to best manage the phone system according to their business needs.

For this reason, we offer a training program at the user level to help your team take advantage of all the live data and features we offer. We also offer administrative level training so you and your administrators are able to update the configuration of your system to suit your business needs. All of our training is done with designated specialists looking to better your business.

To schedule a session, open the following link and follow the instructions on the screen. To get the most value out of RingByName, we advise you sign up for a training session in the morning hours after 9:00 AM.  


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