RingByName Call Presence
Presence gives you the ultimate visibility of your telephone system, allowing you to see the status of all members of your team!
Call Status 3.0 is now available!
The RingByName Call Presence system has been updated to version 3.0! Representatives now have a more secure means of updating between Ready, Available, Global DND, Queue DND, and other DND states and each state uses unique colors so you can quickly determine where different team members in and out of the office are at. Whenever this setting or field is changed you'll see a loading icon on your status as pictured below. Be sure you wait for it to completely finish updating your status to be sure your set to ready to begin taking calls again or to DND if you're unavailable to take calls. You'll see an error message if your status hasn't updated due to errors like internet outages.
Can a representative place themselves on hold to stop receiving calls?

- Available/Ready - These states tell your team you are ready to take calls. Ready appears for users who are in queues. Available appears for users not in queues.
- Global DND - This state blocks all inbound calls letting others know you're busy.
- Dept DND - This state blocks only department inbound calls letting others internally call you at your extension or any queues your in.

- Lunch - This state blocks all queue/dept calls advising you're at lunch while still letting others internally call you at your extension.
- Paused - This is a generic state that prevents inbound calls.
- Personal Time - This state blocks all queue/dept calls advising you're on personal time while still letting others internally call you at your extension.
- Busy - This state blocks all queue/dept calls advising you're busy while still letting others internally call you at your extension.
- Other - This state blocks all queue/dept calls advising your addressing something outside of the states listed while still letting others internally call you at your extension.

- Meeting - This state blocks all queue/dept calls advising you're in a meeting while still letting others internally call you at your extension.

- Queue DND - This state strictly blocks queue calls while still letting others internally call you at your extension.

Call Status Filter - Easily Sort Users By Call Status
The Ringbyname Call Presence or default home screen has new filter functionality built in for your ease of use. R! all ready gave each user the ability to see who’s available, on a call, or ringing, and how long they have been talking from the call presence, but now you can click on the different Status buttons at the top of the screen to see only the calls actively in the status you selected. Each filter updates lightning fast in real time, so you can easily monitor exactly what you want, live as its happening. Call presence can be changed with the "Available" box on the top right of your web app screen.
- Call Status filter allows users to view either all call statuses or a specific call status live in real time.
- Clear concise view of the status of all telephones at
a single glance
- Gives each user the ability to see who’s available, on
a call, or ringing, and how long they have been talking
- Launch calls to internal extensions with a simple
click from within the web application
Explanation of Call Status Buttons
= Available
= Ringing or Connecting Inbound
Lime = Ringing or Connecting Outbound
Blue = Currently on a Call
Red =
Do Not Disturb
Launching a call to a Co-worker

To launch a call to a co-worker, click on the green phone icon located on the corner of the tile for the co-worker you wish to call. RingByName will initiate a call to your desk phone (or cell phone if enabled), once you pick up it will connect you to the other party.